About AY

Yoga is both a modern development and hard to come by for the Special Needs, Senior and Prenatal community. We feel that the benefits of yoga should be accessible to everyone so AY has developed a unique program that allows children and adults with disabilities, expecting mothers and people of all ages to explore a new way of enhancing their physical and mental health, all while having fun!



Hi! I’m Meg and I’m so happy you’re looking into AY! A bit about me:

I attended my first yoga class back in 2011, fell instantly in love and it’s been a huge piece of my life ever since. I took my formal teacher training years later in 2019 solely to deepen my practice but eventually found myself teaching.

One of the first jobs I was offered was the opportunity to teach a group of young adults with special needs and after my first class, I knew this combination of practice and people was something special. As time went on, I was approached by other schools, programs and parents within the community to teach more and more children and adults and much like yoga itself, I fell in love. The community, the teachers, the parents/guardians and especially (of course) the students. There truly wasn’t a class I taught that didn’t leave a smile on my face. I eventually decided I wanted to make this a full time commitment and formally opened AY in April of 2022.

Not long after opening, I was approached to teach a small group of seniors chair yoga. Much like the SN community, the opportunities for them were extremely limited when it came to physical and mental stimulation and it became clear that the need and benefits were there. More and more senior centers, senior living facilities and housing authorities followed suit and AY continued to expand.

After about a year and a half of opening AY and it being a full time business, my partner and I were (pleasantly) surprised with the news of expecting our first child! As an active yogi myself, I was determined to continue my practice through my pregnancy but much to my disappointment, I found my options were extremely limited. Here I was again, being confronted with the fact that a huge group of people who could desperately benefit from yoga had little to no way to do so. Within two months, I got my prenatal certification and began to teach classes to expecting and new mothers. It’s been a beautiful way for me to understand and support both the changes in my body and other women around me.

I truly started Aspen Yoga because I saw a need. A need within communities for more activities, outlets and fun. A need within the parents who craved more support and peace for their children. A need within the students, all who are eager to learn and grow but don’t always get the opportunity. And lastly, a need within myself to be a part of something meaningful that I not only love doing, but truly believe in.

So much of the good in my life has stemmed from my practice of yoga. I’m excited, grateful and humbled that I now get to share it with others.

Welcome to Aspen Yoga



AY holds a 200hr RYT Certification, 35hr Prenatal Certification, 35hr Kids Yoga Certification, Essential Anatomy & Physiology Certification and years of experience. We are fully insured, can provide mats, blocks, bolsters and blankets and we come to you!