Benefits of Yoga

A service we truly believe in- see why!

  • Self Awareness

    Through the practice of Yoga, students are able to deepen their connection between mind and body. The physical movements better introduce each student to their body’s capabilities, while the breath work allows their minds to become more clear, inviting deeper levels of concentration and for longer periods of time. Yoga encourages students to not only recognize but get in touch with their senses.

  • Reduce Stress/Anxiety

    Children and adults on the spectrum often struggle with sensory overload, stress and anxiety. Yoga is a healthy outlet that provides a comforting and calming environment while students release physical and emotional tension. Between breath work and physical movement, students learn coping skills and strategies to address their feelings with a healthier approach.

  • Physical Health

    Yoga introduces an achievable route for students to gain a healthier physical body. Movements in class improve focus, stability, balance, posture, flexibility, general motor skills and overall physical strength; keeping their bodies healthy and happy!

  • Confidence

    Learning any new skill provides a great feeling of self achievement and pride. Students gain inner confidence through positive reinforcement, improving their physical health and obtaining achievable goals.

  • Relationships

    Yoga not only introduces a new activity but also new people. Interacting with teachers and/or classmates enhances social skills, patience, respect and hopefully allows new friendships to form! Yoga is also a wonderful opportunity for parents and guardians to connect with their child by practicing together at home.

  • Fun

    The best part about the program! AY students, like ALL yoga students, get to realize and enjoy how much fun yoga can be. Classes incorporate games, personalized yoga routines and a level of energy that make class a time to look forward too!